Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 2: From Prisoner to Bard

Now that the game has officially started, there's a lot to say to explain what's going on. First things first: the detail put into this game, especially for coming out 5 years ago, is really, really good. There are tiny skulls piled into pots (where you can pick up each and every one - they aren't just built in to the background), apples lying on the ground, and shadows cast appropriately from chests, rats, and torches. The graphics may not be the best ever (this isn't to say they're bad), but that's because the creators set aside more space for details than perfectly round edges. This, in my eyes, is way more important. They found a balance between details and graphics where you can be captivated by everything in a room without being distracted by poor quality images. 

Now, you first start out with a slow zoom in on what seems to be the Emperor's castle, the game name fading into focus, before you zoom in through a window and into a dungeon. This is where you create your character. You can choose between a lot of different types (from something that resembles a tiger, a human, a stronger human form, a chameleon, an elf, etc.). I went with the "Dark Elf," which basically looks human with the exception of blue tinted skin and ears that are clearly pointed. This species seemed to have a nice balance of health, attack, and special powers. While they didn't look abnormal, the human species were either too strong or too weak and the tiger-like species (what I think was called "Kahjiit") were too focused on speed and agility.
Having a Dark Elf seemed most promising since they have equal skill with swords, bow and arrows, and magic. They're resistant to fire and have the power to "summon an ancestral ghost for aid" when needed (which I assumed referred to health).  It took some time, but I adjusted my characters facial features and hair to look a little less alien-like and more human with some auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail, more pale skin, and smaller eyes. Shortly after confirming your character, you find yourself sitting in a prison cell and soon joined by guards and the emperor as they run off from some enemy, whom you don't see. They seem to be trying to get out and the emperor is the only one who believes you aren't a negative influence. After following them through some passageways, they tell you not to follow and you wander beneath the stone walls for quite some time. This is where the tutorial steps pop up when needed and you learn to fight, pick locks, sneak, and create potions. It all depends on what you pick up, where you go, and how you gain experience.

Once meeting back up with the emperor, you get to pick what star you belong to (like an astrology sign) which in turn gives you points that will benefit (or hurt you) in some way. While some were incredibly rewarding (150 points towards better magic), they had downsides (you would then be vulnerable to magic, too). I went with "The Warrior" and got 10 strength & endurance points. Not too long after that, the emperor passes away as he knew he would and hands the jewel he carries on his neck to you - the Amulet of Kings. It's an ancient artifact traditionally worn by the emperors. Now that it's in your hands, it's up to you to bring it to a man named Jauffre. This is the point at which I stopped. 

After looking some stuff up online, I came across one website set up by fans that is a guide of sorts: The creators of the site broke down a lot of the information, and what I'm finding to be more and more useful is the list of creatures in the game. Sorted alphabetically, it is a clear and easy to use chart that comes in handy when battling an animal you haven't seen before. Each animal has described below it stats such as it's level, health, combat/magic/stealth skill, weapons, fatigue, strengths, weaknesses, and more. Here's what it would look like for one of the most common (and easy) creatures you run in to in the first 15 minutes - a Rat.

Level: 1
Health: 4
Magicka: 0
Fatigue: 60
Soul: Petty
Combat Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 50
Stealth Skill: 20
Attack Damage: 2
Weapons: None
Strengths: Brain Rot (Disease)
Weaknesses: None
Indredients: Ratmeat
Ranged Magic: None
Melee Magic: None

Even if you don't get the chance to look at the list until after you've encountered the creature, it helps you be more prepared for the next run-in you may have. The only down side to this is that there aren't pictures to accompany the animal so you don't really know which is which, anyway, until you battle one. This will definitely help out, as well as other things on the website. The tagline of the site is "the community site for screenshots, mods, addons, cheats and other materials" and while I know it will be helpful, I hope to stay away from the cheats for at least the first few hours of play to figure things out myself. Cheats are generally only fun after you've played the game for a while or you're starting over from the beginning. We'll see how it all goes!

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