Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 1: Before The Game

For a couple years now, multiple people have told me I should check out the fourth installment of the Elder Scrolls PC game Oblivion. Before this past semester started, my brother let me borrow the game and told me that if I started playing it, I needed to invest in a mouse for my laptop and set aside a lot of time. The mouse part had already been taken care of, but the second part I straight-out avoided. For the whole first semester of college, I stayed away from playing this game because I didn't want it to result in me having few friends in college. But now having a class assignment which specifically requires a 20-40 hour video game, it seems the perfect time to start.

I haven't played a lot of rpgs as far as video games go, but I have played a lot of different games. There are classics such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Duck Hunt, Bubble Bobble, and Mario for the NES, Twisted Metal and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee for Playstation, Super Smash Bros, Phantasy Star Online and Spyro on Gamecube, Halo and Call of Duty on Xbox, and Forza and Dead Space on the 360. Then there are the countless Gameboy games (from Tomagotchi to Toy Story) and Star Wars Galaxies and F.E.A.R. on the computer.

But Oblivion is supposed to be one of the classic computer games that just sets a high standard for difficulty, progression, and entertainment. Almost every person who I've talked to about video games has not only played it, but loved it. From what I've heard by word of mouth, there's supposed to be quests you can go on, different monsters that evolve with your skill level, and all sorts of details that really make the game. Hopefully while I play this game, I'll be able to take screenshots at interesting points in the game and give visuals to show what it is I'm talking about. Then I'll be going to online websites and hopefully finding articles that can help explain the game, too. All in all, it should help go over the pros and cons of a game such as this one.

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